Dear Friends,


It’s a chilly, blue February morning, and I am in the small back room office with a space heater. The day is unfolding quietly, muffled by the snow. Somehow I ran out of time in January to write my monthly newsletter – mostly because I have been reading my Margaret Atwood and Neil Gaiman books lately and have been so caught up in them that I forgot to work on a newsletter.


So there are a couple notable art related events worth mentioning from last month and now this one.  First, I was pleased to have CTV Primetime visit my studio – and Masters Gallery – during the month December. They interviewed both Ryan Green from Masters Gallery, and me, about my art practice. The segment aired a couple weeks ago and I was pleased to watch the clip with my family. The clip captures my life dedication to my art practice – starting with my childhood drawings and moving into my current work, some of which is currently hanging at Masters Gallery. If you would like to check out the CTV Albert Primetime segment, please visit:


I will be also be sitting on an panel this coming weekend at the University of Calgary during the “Leadership Exchange 2015” series. I am representing the arts and talking about my own passages through my practice. Travis Dickie put together a video that includes the voices of three different people (including myself) talking about leadership in our respective fields: To register or find out more about the weekend, visit:


On the painting front, I am working steadily in the studio – and ‘en plain air’ – to create a body of work that will show in the Spring. Last Sunday, I set up my easel on the side of the snowy road, and painted outside until I had to jump up and down to stay warm. The work is presenting itself to me as I make it – pulling me through the painting process and keeping me wondering what I’m doing. I will keep you posted about this series as it progresses.